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Aesthetic nose surgery aims to improve facial symmetry and aesthetics by correcting the shape, size and proportions of the nose.


This surgery is alsonasal congestion,septum deviation (nasal bone curvature) And other breathing problems It can also be done for the treatment of.

Each patient's needs are different and therefore each patient's situation must be individually evaluated to achieve the best outcome.

As a result of Aesthetic Nose Surgery, the patient can increase his self-confidence and have a more positive experience in his social life.


Who are the Suitable Candidates for Aesthetic Nose Surgery?
Who Can Have Aesthetic Nose Surgery? 

People who are dissatisfied with their nose structure:People who are uncomfortable about the size, shape or symmetry of their nose may be suitable candidates for aesthetic nose surgery.

People with a permanent deformation in the nose structure:Those who have a permanent deformation in their nose due to reasons such as trauma, congenital problems or breathing problems People may be suitable candidates for aesthetic nose surgery.

People with subsequent deformities in their nose structure

People whose nose functions do not work normally

aging sprocess: Nose, cartilage and tissuethinning of the ears and etc.There may be changes such as arcma. In this case, it is possible to rejuvenate the nose with rhinoplasty.

The person's general health condition is good and there is no obstacle to surgery

Fully developed nose structure - Age limit: Aesthetic nose surgery is generally performed on people over the age of 18.


nose estetic is not limited to just one or a few reasons. It is a form of treatment planned specifically for each patient.

Therefore, if you have any questions or concerns, it is recommended to consult an otolaryngologist.

Who is not suitable for aesthetic nose surgery?
Who Cannot Have Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

Age:Those who have not yet completed adolescence.

Rhinoplasty should not be performed before the age of 18. The development of nose structures and faces may still be continuing.

Health situation:Some health problems may not be suitable for rhinoplasty.

For example, surgery may be risky in cases such as heart and lung disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, bleeding disorders, active infections, and skin problems.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding period:gRhinoplasty is not recommended during midwifery because hormonal changes occur in the body during pregnancy and the results of the surgery may be affected.

Psychological state:B.Some people may be uncomfortable with the appearance of their nose, but this may be perceived as an aesthetic problem.

These people may need to be evaluated psychologically and therapy may be recommended.

Expectations:Rhinoplasty may cause disappointment if it is not performed in line with the person's expectations. People with unrealistic expectations (wanting perfection, thinking their life will change, thinking everything will change)

What is the Ideal Age for Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

The ideal age for rhinoplasty is generally 18 years and above, as the person's nose structure is fully developed.

However, the full development of the nose structure may not occur at the same age for everyone. Therefore, the ideal age for rhinoplasty is determined as the age when the person's nose structure is fully developed and the desired results can be achieved with surgical intervention.


However, rhinoplasty surgery depends on many factors other than the person's age, such as general health condition, nose structure and other factors that may affect the post-operative recovery process.

What are the Surgical Techniques Used in Rhinoplasty? What is the Difference Between Closed and Open Rhinoplasty?
Which Surgery Technique is Better?

For rhinoplasty surgerytwo different techniqueshas:open rhinoplasty Andclosed rhinoplasty.


Closed (Endonasal) Rhinoplasty Technique: In this technique, surgical incisions are made through the nostrils to access the intranasal tissues. The nasal cartilages and bones are then viewed through the nostrils and reshaped. closed nosen aesthetics,It is preferred for smaller nose procedures.


Open (External) Rhinoplasty Technique: In this technique, surgical incisions are made between the outer skin next to the nostrils.It is done in . This technique provides the opportunity to more directly visualize and reshape the nasal cartilages and bones. Therefore, largerIt is preferred for operations that require changes.


Piezo method Rhinoplasty(EAesthetic Nose Surgery): It is a technique used especially in cases where nasal bones need to be cut and shaped with ultrasonic vibrations.


Which technique is better may vary from person to person and depends on your doctor's preference.
Which technique will be used is determined according to the patient's nose structure and wishes. Rhinoplasty surgery can be a different process for each patient, and therefore it is important to have a detailed consultation with your doctor before the surgery.

What are the advantages of Piezo Method Rhinoplasty (Aesthetic Nose Surgery)?
Why Should I Have Piezo Rhinoplasty?

Less invasive: Piezo method uses ultrasonic vibrations in bone cuts.
Get off less
A non-invasive procedure means less pain, swelling and bruising after surgery.

more sensitive: The piezo method is used to cut bones with precision. This allows doctors to make finer adjustments and ensures that the shape of the nose is more natural and symmetrical.

Less bleeding: The piezo method uses ultrasonic vibrations when cutting bones, which reduces the amount of bleeding. This provides better visibility during surgery and may result in less post-operative bruising and swelling.

Less trauma: traditionIn manual methods, bone cuts are usually made using a hammer and sharp tools. Therefore, greater trauma to surrounding tissues may occur. However, the Piezo method cuts using ultrasonic vibrations and therefore causes less trauma to the surrounding tissues.

Faster healing process: Less trauma means less bleeding and less pain, swelling and bruising. For this reason, the healing process of rhinoplasty surgeries using the Piezo method may be faster.

Less pain after the procedure: Piezo methodreduces pain due to less trauma. Additionally, there may be less bruising and swelling after surgery.


As a result, the Piezo method is a less invasive, more precise, less bleeding and trauma, faster healing process and safer option for rhinoplasty surgeries.

What is the Process for Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

Before rhinoplasty surgery, a detailed evaluation is made by the surgeon and it is decided how the surgery will be performed, taking into account the patient's expectations and the surgeon's recommendations.

In the pre-operative periodDetailed information is given about the preparations the patient needs to make before the surgery. These preparations may include issues such as medication use, diet, and special rules regarding smoking and alcohol use.

When the day of surgery comesNecessary procedures are carried out to prepare the patient appropriately. Generally, the surgery is performed under general anesthesia and the duration of the surgery may vary depending on the person's nose structure and the details of the surgery.

In the postoperative periodThe patient's recovery process is closely monitored and necessary checks are performed. After rhinoplasty surgery, most patients can return to their normal lives within 1 week, but the full recovery process may take up to 6-12 months.

During this period, it is important that the patient acts in accordance with the instructions given by the surgeon.


In general, successful results can be achieved with rhinoplasty surgery with good planning, proper preparation and a correct recovery process.

Can Aesthetic Nose Shape Be Predicted?

Yes, it can be seen, but various simulation programs and 3D modeling techniques only provide estimated results.
There are many differences between computer applications and real surgery.For this reason, we do not use computer programs in our clinic due to misleading results. Instead, you can get ideas from the images on our Instagram page.

Actual results depend on the surgeon's experience, the patient's nasal structure, and proper care and follow-up in the postoperative period.


What Should I Pay Attention to Before Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

Before surgery, you should follow your doctor's recommendations and avoid things that increase the risk of bleeding, such as smoking. You should also talk to your doctor about issues such as medication use before surgery.

Is Rhinoplasty Surgery Permanent?

Yes, rhinoplasty is a permanent procedure. nose aestheticsIt provides permanent results by changing the shape and size of the nose.

This procedure is performed to correct or improve various aesthetic or functional problems of the nose.

In Which Season Should I Have Rhinoplasty Surgery?
Should I Be in Summer or Winter?
Does it make a difference in terms of recovery?

Rhinoplasty surgeryIt can be done at any time, regardless of season. So the choice of season depends on personal preference and living conditions.

Can the Nose Shape Be Completely Changed with Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

The nose shape can be completely changed, but this is not always possible and the results are planned according to the patient's facial features.

Are Nasal Bones Broken in Rhinoplasty Surgery?
Is This Surgery Painful?

In rhinoplasty surgery, breaking the nasal bones is necessary to shape and improve the nose.
Fracture of the nasal bones helps reshape the nose to make it look more natural and aesthetic.

Since this procedure is a very delicate procedure, it is possible for patients to feel some pain. However, usually the pain level is mild to moderate and can be controlled with painkillers.

How Long Does Aesthetic Nose Surgery Take?

Aesthetic nose surgery depends on the person's nose structure, the scope and difficulty of the surgery.approximately 2 to 3 hours takes.

What Type of Anesthesia is Used in Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

Nose surgeriesusually under general anesthesia is performed, but in some special cases local anesthesia can also be used.

How Many Days Should I Stay in the Hospital After Nose Surgery?
Do I need to stay in hospital?

Patients after surgery It is possible for them to rest for a few hours and go home. However, since it is much easier to intervene in situations such as bleeding or anesthesia-related drop in blood pressure and nausea in the hospital environment, it is more preferred for patients to stay in the hospital on the day of surgery and be discharged the next day.

How Long After Aesthetic Nose Surgery Can I Return to My Normal Life?
When Can I Interact with Other People?

After the surgery, the firstYou may experience swelling and bruises on your face during the fasting day. Therefore, it is recommended that you avoid interacting with other people for a few days.

The recovery process after surgery may vary from person to person, but usually 1 week It is recommended to limit physical activities throughout the duration.
However, you can return to your normal social activities after this period.

Full recovery time may vary between 3-6 months.

What Kind of Medications Should I Use After Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

After surgery, medications such as painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and antibiotics may be used to reduce pain and swelling.

Your doctor will advise you on which medications you should use.

What Awaits Us After Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

After rhinoplasty surgery, a recovery period that will take a few days is expected. Some signs and symptoms may occur in the postoperative period. These may include:

  • There may be swelling, bruising and tenderness in the nose area.

  • There may be nosebleeds.

  • You may feel difficulty or congestion in breathing.

  • Mild symptoms such as headache, weakness, and fatigue may be observed.

  • Antibiotics or pain medications may be prescribed.

The recovery process may vary from person to person and may depend on the type of surgery, the person's general health condition, and how carefully post-operative care is provided.

The recovery process after surgery is very important and following the surgeon's recommendations can help the person recover faster and healthier.

What Should I Pay Attention to After Aesthetic Nose Surgery?
Things to Do After Nose Surgery

Careful care after rhinoplasty surgery and following the surgeon's recommendations can speed up the healing process and help achieve the final result faster.


  • It is recommended to keep the head elevated to reduce edema and swelling during the healing process.

  • There may be a slight feeling of pressure on the nose for the first few days, but this is normal and will pass over time.

  • If there are crusts or clots in the nose, they should be cleaned as recommended by the surgeon.

  • Edema and bruises around the nose may last for several weeks. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid intense activities and do not do strenuous exercises for the first few days.

  • It is important to use medications as recommended by the surgeon. Medications such as painkillers, antibiotics or edema-reducing drugs can be used for purposes such as reducing postoperative pain, reducing the risk of infection and accelerating the healing process.

  • Quitting harmful habits such as smoking can help speed up the healing process.


How Often Should Follow-Up Checks Be Done After Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

Postoperative follow-up checks may vary depending on the extent of surgery and recovery process. Usually, the first follow-up appointmenta few days later and subsequent appointmentsa few weeks Andfew months later makes.

Splint on the Nose - When is the Nasal Cast Removed?

After rhinoplasty surgery, the splint - nasal cast and tapes on the nose can usually remain for 5-7 days. The splint is used to prevent swelling of the tissues inside the nose and to preserve the shape of the nose.

When is the Silicone Pad Removed After Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

After nose surgery, silicone tampons in the nose are usually removed on the 3rd or 4th day. This procedure is painless, as expected.

Is it possible to have nose surgery without tampons?
How is Nose Aesthetics Done Without Tampons?

There is no longer a need to use tampons in rhinoplasty surgeries. Instead, a special tool called an intranasal stapler can be used.

Thanks to the dissolvable stitches placed inside the nose, patients do not need to have stitches removed andAfter 7 days, the stitches dissolve and fall off on their own.

Thanks to this method, patients can breathe more easily without experiencing problems such as a blocked nose. Additionally, no additional cleaning is required with this method.

When Does the Nose Reach Its Final Form After Aesthetic Nose Surgery?
When Will My Nose Shape Shape After Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

Edema and swelling may occur in the nose area immediately after the surgery. This edema and swelling may last for several weeks and continue to decrease during the first 3-4 months.About six months later, the shape of the nose often becomes completely clear. However, it may take up to a year to fully heal and see the final result.

Throughout the recovery process, it is important for patients to regularly attend follow-up appointments recommended by their doctor and receive proper care. 

How Long After the Surgery Can I Breathe Easily Through My Nose?

This process may vary depending on the patient's age, general health condition and type of surgery.

After rhinoplasty surgery, you may have difficulty breathing for the first few days due to swelling and crusting inside the nose. However, this process may vary from person to person and especiallyseptoplasty In surgeries that treat breathing problems such asNasal patency may increase noticeably immediately.

As the swelling and crusting in the nose decreases after the surgery, the nasal passage begins to open and breathing function improves, usually within a few weeks.

I Breathe Easily, But I'm Not Satisfied With The Appearance Of My Nose.
Will I Have Breathing Problems If I Have Rhinoplasty Surgery?

An expert surgeon, noseDuring surgery, both aesthetic and functional improvements can be made.


If you do not have breathing problems and are simply unhappy with the appearance of your nose,only aesthetic rhinoplastycan be done. It is important to protect your nasal structure during rhinoplasty and excess tissue should not be removed that would affect breathing function. 

-I've Had Rhinoplasty Before, But I'm Not Satisfied With My Nose Shape
-I've Had Rhinoplasty Before, But I Can't Breathe Easily. What should I do?

- If you have had rhinoplasty before and are not satisfied with the result, you may consider a second surgery called revision rhinoplasty. This surgery is performed to correct the result of the first surgery.

- If you have had rhinoplasty before and are happy with your nose shape but have difficulty breathing, you may consider procedures such as septorhinoplasty or septoplasty.

In Which Situations May Cartilage Removal Be Necessary in Rhinoplasty?

  • If the patient's own cartilage tissue is insufficient

  • If there are disorders in the cartilage tissue for another reason

  • In revision surgery, the surgeon can take cartilage tissue from another area (behind the ear cartilage, rib cartilage) and use it in rhinoplasty surgery.

Do I Need to Have a Massage After Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Gentle massage can be applied to the tip of the nose and back area to help reduce the swelling at the tip of the nose. Additionally, nostril massage may be recommended to soften the scar tissue in the nostrils.

Can I Have Rhinoplasty Surgery While Breastfeeding?

Medicines such as anesthesia, painkillers and antibiotics used during rhinoplasty surgery can pass into a breastfeeding woman's milk and affect the baby. For this reason, rhinoplasty surgery is generally not recommended during breastfeeding.

It is recommended to wait at least 6 months after birth.

Is General Anesthesia Risky During Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

General anesthesia may carry risks when used during any surgery, but thanks to modern anesthesia techniques and devices, the risks have been minimized.

Will I Experience Pain After Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

After surgery, some pain and discomfort may usually be felt. However, these pains can be controlled with painkillers.

Does the Nose Swell After Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

Yes, the nose may swell after surgery and this swelling may last for several weeks. This is normal and will decrease over time.

Will There Be Scars After Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

The scar after rhinoplasty surgery may vary depending on the surgical technique and the patient's skin structure.

A small scar on the nose is likely to remain when the traditional open rhinoplasty method is used. This scar occurs in the area of ​​skin between the nostrils and usually heals and diminishes over time.

However, in methods such as closed rhinoplasty or piezo rhinoplasty performed with modern techniques, the scar is less obvious or leaves no scar. In these methods, small incisions are made inside the nose or between the nostrils and the operation is usually completed without stitches. Therefore, the scar is almost invisible or leaves no scar at all.

It should not be forgotten that some behaviors, such as smoking, negatively affect the healing process and may increase scars.

Is there a loss of smell after nose surgery?

Loss of smell may occur, although rarely, after rhinoplasty surgery. However, if modern techniques are used and the surgery is performed successfully, this risk is quite low and usually temporary.

When Do the Stitches Fall Out in Rhinoplasty?

The stitches used during rhinoplasty surgery are self-dissolving stitches in the postoperative period. For this reason, stitch removal is usually not done after rhinoplasty surgery.

Dissolvable stitches dissolve spontaneously 7 days after surgery.

What Kind of Activities Should I Avoid After Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

After surgery, it may be necessary to avoid heavy physical activities for at least 1-2 weeks. It is also recommended to avoid smoking, consuming alcohol and exposure to sunlight.

Can You Do Sports After Nose Surgery?

It is generally not recommended to do sports after nose surgery.

During the postoperative period, as the nasal bones and cartilages are in the healing process, doing sports may put pressure on the nose and delay the healing process. It can also cause nosebleeds and affect the shape of the nose.

It is generally recommended that you avoid heavy exercise for the first 2-4 weeks. During this period, only light walks or low-impact exercises such as yoga can be done.

When Can I Shower After Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

For wound healing after nose surgery, the risk of infection must be minimized. For this reason, doctors generally recommend that you do not shower for the first week after surgery.

Can I Use Glasses After Aesthetic Nose Surgery?

Glasses should not be used for 6 months after nose surgery.

It is necessary to be careful in the postoperative period. Because the shape and structure of the nose may change after nose surgery, and therefore glasses are likely to put pressure on the nose and cause deformation in the nasal bones or cartilages.

Does Rhinoplasty Change Lip Shape?

Rhinoplasty surgery is performed to change the shape and size of the nose and usually does not affect the shape or size of the lips.

Can I Have Sinusitis Surgery Along with Rhinoplasty?

Yes, rhinoplasty and sinusitis surgery can be performed together.


Because during rhinoplasty surgery, changes may be made to the internal structure of the nose and these changes may affect the drainage of the sinuses. If there is a sinusitis problem, sinus surgery can also be performed to solve this problem. However, this situation should be decided upon joint evaluation of the surgeon and the patient.

Can Those With Sinusitis Have Rhinoplasty?

Sinusitis does not prevent rhinoplasty surgery.

However, a person with sinusitis must complete sinusitis treatment before rhinoplasty surgery.


Otherwise, having rhinoplasty surgery without sinusitis treatment may cause sinus infection or post-operative sinusitis.


For this reason, people with sinusitis are recommended to consult an ear, nose and throat specialist before rhinoplasty surgery and receive sinusitis treatment.

What are Ankara Rhinoplasty Prices?

To find out the answer to this question, you need to call or come to our clinic. Because in our country, it is not legal for doctors to provide price information over the internet.


You can get price information by filling out the Free Preliminary Consultation Form on our website or by filling out the form on our contact page or by calling the phone numbers below.


Assoc. Dr. Ä°smail Güler Clinic: +90 (312) 427 2021
Whatsapp Support Line: +90 (555) 083 9374

Doctor Website: 0850 474 41 61

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